FAQ Proposal
Q: When you know if you're working too much with Seaside?
A: When you want to "Toggle halos" on every website you visit. :-)
Tides report
Q: When you know if you're working too much with Seaside?
It seems that my benchmarking "initiative" caused some effects, and many vendors/frameworks are doing the test with the same tool.
Labels: benchmarks, smalltalk
I got the feeling that the latest post about the benchmarks caused some bad reactions. So just to feel less paranoid (I'm new on this thing of "blogging"), or just for the record I want to give some explanations about it:
Yesterday I ran some benchmark tests against Seaside on Dolphin, Squeak and VW.
Labels: benchmarks, seaside
I've just downgraded my workstation from Vista Business to XP Professional.
New release, which uses the newer version of IDB DateAndTime and Duration and fixes a wrong link for the icons.
I've just released a candidate "stable" version of Seaside 2.8 for Dolphin Smalltalk, it supports file uploads and multiple options forms elements. I had to fix some methods of Swazoo to get rid of the dead processes too.
...the 9th of November.
self stream close.
self server removeConnection: self.
self loop notNil ifTrue: [self loop terminate].
loop := nil
"longer description is below method"
| interactionBlock |
interactionBlock := [
[ [ true ] whileTrue: [ self getAndDispatchMessages. Processor yield ] ]
on: SpError
do: [:ex | self close ]
on: ProcessTermination
do: [:ex | self loop: nil ]].
self server isMultiThreading
ifTrue: [self loop: (interactionBlock forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority)]
ifFalse: [interactionBlock value].
One more reason to keep using Windows XP (or leave Vista).
For those waiting to test the latest version of Seaside on Dolphin, it can be downloaded from http://emaringolo.users.dolphinmap.net/seaside/downloads/Seaside-2.8a1-eam.528_c.zip.
I made a mistake when I removed the message send metioned in
A stated in other Smalltalk blog, less is more. And that was the case with the suspended processes left when running Seaside on Dolphin, to fix it I had to "remove" code, not to add.
I've been running some benchmarks against Seaside on Dolphin.
Labels: benchmarks, dolphin, seaside
When all is green, I feel happy: